Saturday, April 9, 2011

Beastman Rehab - Bray Shaman Boogie

A motley crew if I ever saw one. .. 

Kharg (the guy on the right) doesn't really need anything, so I focused my time on the others. . . .

First up was my old Great Bray Shaman.
  • Rebased
  • Repaired Braystaff - I extended the shaft and added a number of bits to the top.  There are ogre bits, flaggelant chains and various skulls, plus a little GS fur to fill in the gaps

Next up is the former charioteer.
  • Rebased
  • New Braystaff - The core of the staff is the banner bearer's arm from last edition's herd box.  I've added skulls, GS fur, and some antler-like projections from the Bloodletter standard.

Last is the Hell Dorado mini. Lots of work here
  • GS Hood - nothing special, but it seems to be what bray shamen consider the height of fashion.  Just a thin layer of GS and a silicone-tipped sculpting tool
  • Braystaff - Wire covered with GS and carved with grooves.  Some flaggelant chains and bones, and a skull from the dryad box on top.
  • Belly Plate - Most of the last edition beastmen have a little belly plate, so I made this guy to match.  GS disk with small divots done evenly around the edge with a dental pick.  The skull was cut in half to make it look like its a relief on the plate.
  • Belt and sword - the belt is GS, and the sword is right off the old beastmen sprue

Friday, April 1, 2011

Beastman Rehab - Bestigor/Mino Rescue

As the title of this post implies, I've made some good progress on the bestigor and minos.  The steps I've taken so far are as follows:

  • Glazed Black - the wash consisted of Black Ink & Vallejo Glaze Medium - dilluted about 50/50 with water.  This was applied to all areas except the gold; basically any area that could use some depth.
  • Glazed Red - The red areas ONLY were hit with Red Ink/VGM - again, dilluted 50/50
  •  Weapon Fixes - Drilled and Pinned new weapon hafts and blades.  Applied bleached bone to wood and 3 shades of gray/blue to metal
  • Glazed Brown - Same glaze recipe above, except using the old Flesh Wash instead of an ink.  This was applied to steel and gold.
  • Rebasing - Glued cork to the bases and re-flocked with a mixture of sand and two different sizes of scatter
Not every model needed all the above, but below is a group that features all of it: 

Check out this close up on what I'm doing to rescue the NMM.  This represents a Black Glaze, Brown Glaze, and then feathering of Boltgun Metal on the edge to make it look sharp.  The gold just has the Brown Glaze and nothing else.  I think both turned out to be pretty effective:

These Minos got the same treatment as the Bestigors (minus the Red Glaze).  I think the basing is an excellent demonstration of my new rule:

"Good basing beats good painting every time"

And the basing isn't even that complex or impressive :-)

I found my beastlord model.  He's in pretty good shape, and I don't have plans to improve him

Here's a shot of the Bestigor using Minos as unit fillers, and sporting both the Beastlord and the BSB.  Not saying I'll be running the unit this way, but its fun to look at.

I think these guys will constitue my shaman models.  Left to Right:

  • Kharg - started life as a wargor, but he looks crazy enough to be anything.  I'm particularly fond of this model mostly because he started life as me just gluing bits together.
  • Great Bray Shaman - This was my foot model for my GBS in the last edition (the other rode a chariot).  He needs a new braystaff
  • Heldorado Demon - This model is awesome and has been sitting in my collection forever.  Since Heldorado went out of business he's fairly rare, and I've been dying to get him into something.
  • Chariot Bestigor - I used to use this guy as the champ in my bestigor unit, but with a staff in hand I think he'll make a great bray shaman (but not a Great Bray Shaman, if you follow me)

Here's a closer shot of the Heldorado Demon model so you can see the full extent of his awesomeness.