Monday, August 20, 2012

Wraith Engine Inching Along

Another progress update.  I don't usually post these kind of WIP pics because I churn through minis pretty hard, but in this case I've had a big army project I've been working on, and so have only been able to work on this in bits and pieces. 

This happy coincidence means I actually time to take pics at various stages.  Here, I've highlighted the steel and purple, but both have glazes coming too.

Steel so far is:  Rainy Gray (Reaper Master Series), Black Glaze, reapply Rainy Gray, Rainy Gray/White 50/50.

Purple so far is: Hexen Purple (Vallejo), Warlock Purple (citadel)/Hexen 50/50, Warlock, Warlock/Tentacle Pink 50/50

Also, I'm trying some two-brush blending on this project.  Its interesting so far. . .

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